The Irresistible Magnolia Tree Pods

Our backyard is home to several magnificent magnolia trees. Mid-September into October, these trees begin a cycle of producing large pods for several months, and the pods are irresistible to our golden retrievers, Teddy and Bear. No matter how much we try to distract or discourage them, they can’t resist the pods. But are these pods dangerous? And why are they so irresistible to dogs? Here is what I found researching this issue.

The Danger of Magnolia Tree Pods

Magnolia tree pods contain magnolol, which can be toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities. This compound can cause gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting and diarrhea, in our canine friends.

Moreover, the hard outer shell of the pod can pose a choking hazard, especially for smaller dogs. It is essential to watch your furry friends around magnolia tree pods and prevent them from eating or playing with them.

This photo of a Magnolia pod is from the library. Stock photo ID:1423717322 Photographer: Pridannikov
The Allure of Magnolia Tree Pods

Despite the potential danger, Teddy and Bear can’t seem to resist these pods. So why are they so irresistible? It could be due to the strong canine sense of smell. Magnolia tree pods are known to have a sweet, musky scent that is appealing to dogs.

Additionally, the texture and taste of the pods also play a role in attracting our canines. They enjoy chewing on things, and the soft inner flesh of magnolia tree pods can satisfy this urge. However, it is crucial to consider the potential danger and discourage your dogs from consuming these pods.

This photo of a Magnolia pod is from the library. Stock photo ID:1333983419 Photographer: Nina Nelson

Like other responsible pet owners, Jim and I are trying to keep Teddy and Bear safe and healthy. And while it may seem like a no-brainer to keep Teddy and Bear away from those tempting magnolia tree pods in our backyard, it’s not that simple. It’s a constant battle to keep them safe from potential hazards and themselves, but it’s a battle we must fight every day. We do get tired and frustrated, but Teddy and Bear rely on us to keep them safe. The beautiful Magnolia tree pods are a potential danger many other families face, so I wanted to share this information!

This is a photo of a Magnolia pod I picked up off the ground this morning before 6:30 a.m. Look at the size of this pod.

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Copyright © 2019. I Don’t Know All The Answers, Nikki Mastro.

All of my photographs and documents are Copyrighted.

The main image of this blog post of a Magnolia flower is from the library. Stock photo ID:498553448 Photographer: CapturedAudience

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