Kahu: Protecting What’s Most Precious 

I recently saw the most adorable post on Instagram of a little girl and her beloved pet. The included audio transcription was as follows.

“In Hawaiian, you don’t call yourself your pet’s owner. You are their Kahu (ka – hoo). Kahu has many meanings: Guardian, protector, steward, beloved, and attendant. Someone entrusted. With the safekeeping of something precious, something cherished. Jun 10, 2023


That statement resonated with me. When you think about what is most precious to us, our pets often come to mind. They are our beloved companions, loyal friends, and unconditional supporters. However, in Hawaiian culture, there is an ancient practice of honoring the connection between pet owners and their four-legged family members by appointing a Kahu, or protector, to watch over them.

The Hawaiian term Kahu describes the practice of safekeeping something that is treasured and near and dear to one’s heart. This person acts on behalf of the pet owner, taking care of their pet in all aspects, from health to psychological well-being. By honoring the connection between pet and owner, the Kahu can extend their bond further.

When a Kahu is appointed, they are responsible for caring for something very special to someone. It’s not just about tending to another living being; it’s about protecting and preserving what holds an irreplaceable place in our lives. In many ways, it’s a way of caring for our souls.
This is why Kahu is so powerful; it’s not just about what we see but what lies within our hearts and minds and connects us to the people and animals we love most. The practice of Kahu honors this bond between pet owners and their four-legged family members, allowing them to make sure their beloved pet is always taken care of – no matter what.

Dr. Teddy, Mom, the Bear, and Summer
I make peanut butter that is safe for the doggie kids to taste.

Kahu is an ancient Hawaiian practice that honors the connection between pet parents and their animal family members, demonstrating how important it is to protect and preserve something we hold dear. It’s a beautiful concept of safekeeping something from which our souls benefit, allowing us to keep something special close to our hearts.

Kahu reminds us that we all have something unique and treasured in our lives and must honor and protect it. Caring for what’s most precious ensures these excellent connections remain vital for years. Let Kahu be your guide in protecting the things that make your heart sing.
It’s a reminder that we can keep something special close to our hearts when we honor, protect, and care for it. Let Kahu guide you in safeguarding what makes you feel connected, loved, and held. Let us remember the power of Kahu in providing safekeeping for all that is most precious to us.

Mom loves you so much!

When we care for what’s most precious to us, it’s a reminder that we’re taking part in something more significant. Let’s remember the power of Kahu in safekeeping our beloved pets, friends, family members, and all that touches our hearts deeply. By honoring these connections with love, respect, and protection, we can ensure they last and bring joy for years.
Let’s celebrate the power of Kahu by protecting what we love and care for most deeply! In doing so, may we find abundance through solid connections with those around us, the animals we cherish, and all that hold a special place in our hearts.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and if you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the Comments section below.

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