Note: Apologies, this blog is getting posted a little late because I have been experiencing technical problems with the site.

The two-month Honeybee occupation is over. There has been so much to learn and understand.
The large Almond Orchard behind our house was why we had all the bees. The bees were visiting my Bee watering bar during the pollination period. Their numbers seemed to grow until the day the beekeepers removed the extra hives.

I have learned that Almonds are a very profitable crop in California, particularly in the Central Valley of California. California produces a major portion of the world’s almond supply because of the Mediterranean climate and rich soil, and innovative technology. But unfortunately, I’ve learned that all of our wiz-bang technology is useless for pollinating almond crops; we need the superhero Honeybees to do that job.
Also, I was unaware of the partnership between the farmers/growers and beekeepers.
“When almonds trees bloom, bees get their first food source from the orchards’ nutritious pollen. The bees are only with the growers for two months of the year as they pollinate the crop, but the growers work with the beekeepers to support the health of the bees all year.”

What happens next in the almond orchards after the bees complete their pollination job? I will pay closer attention than before and share everything I learn with you.