Celebrate National Take Your Dog to Work Day

Teddy and Bear come with me into my office everyday, but not all pet parents and their furry babies are as lucky.

A Day to Celebrate Our Furry Family Members

Every year, the Friday after Father’s Day brings an unparalleled joy to workplaces nationwide. It’s National Take Your Dog to Work Day, a day that not only strengthens the bond between dogs and their owners but also brings a contagious smile to every coworker’s face. Conceived by Pet Sitters International in 1999, this day has evolved to include dogs and any beloved pet, transforming offices into vibrant hubs of wagging tails and joyful meows, filling the air with an infectious warmth and happiness.

The History Behind the Day

When Pet Sitters International first celebrated Take Your Dog to Work Day in 1999, the goal was simple yet profound—to encourage pet adoption. They believed that by allowing pet owners to bring their dogs to work, people without pets would see dogs’ immense joy and companionship, inspiring them to adopt a furry friend. Since then, the observance has grown exponentially, with many offices becoming pet-friendly year-round.

Benefits of Bringing Dogs to Work

Bringing your dog to work doesn’t just benefit your four-legged friend; it positively impacts the entire office environment. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: It’s a well-known fact that dogs help reduce stress. Petting a dog releases oxytocin, a hormone that effectively combats stress and anxiety. Imagine a stressful workday turning into a pleasant one with just a few pats on a furry friend.
  • Encourages Breaks: Having a dog in the office encourages more frequent breaks, which, contrary to popular belief, can enhance productivity. Regular breaks help you perform at your full potential.
  • Improves Employee Retention: A dog-friendly workplace creates a more comfortable and relaxed work environment, which can lead to higher employee retention rates. Happy employees are less likely to seek employment elsewhere.

Fun Activities for Take Your Dog to Work Day

To make the most of this particular day, here are some activities to consider:

  • Best Office Dog Contest: Categories like “Most Obedient,” “Most Playful,” and “Best Dressed” can add a fun competitive edge to the day.
  • On-Site Grooming: Partner with a local pet grooming service to offer grooming sessions for the participating dogs.
  • Group Walk or Jog Start the day with some exercise and fresh air by organizing a group walk or jog with all the office dogs and their owners.
  • Yappy Hour: End the workday with a “Yappy Hour,” where employees and their dogs can enjoy refreshments and socialize in a designated pet-friendly area.
  • Training Workshops Interactive training or agility workshops conducted by a professional dog trainer can engage the dogs and their owners.
  • Photo Booth: Set up a photo booth to capture memorable moments of the day.

Dos and Don’ts for a Successful Day

  • Check for Approval: Ensure your employer and coworkers are okay with bringing pets into the office.
  • Pack Essentials: Bring a bag with your dog’s water bowl, toys, a bed or blanket, and doggie bags.
  • Create a Safe Workspace Make sure your workspace is safe for your dog by hiding cords, putting away the trash bin, and removing any harmful snacks or plants.
  • Avoid Bringing Anxious Dogs Do not bring your dog if they get too anxious or over-excited around new people.
  • Supervise Your Dog: Do not let your dog wander around the office alone. Keep them on a leash or bring a barrier to prevent distractions.
  • Respect Colleagues Not everyone is a dog person, so don’t force your dog on colleagues. If people want to meet your dog, they will come to you.

Company Policies and Legal Considerations

Company Policies:

  • All dogs must be up to date on vaccinations and have a current license.
  • Dogs should be well-behaved, non-aggressive, and comfortable in social settings.
  • Owners are responsible for their dog’s behavior and any damage caused by their pets.
  • A designated dog-friendly area is specified, and dogs are prohibited in non-designated areas.
  • Dogs should always be kept on a leash or under the owner’s control.
  • Regular breaks should be taken for dogs to go outside for bathroom purposes.

Legal Considerations:

  • Liability Issues Companies should consider their liability if a dog were to injure an employee, client, or visitor.
  • Health and Safety Regulations Ensure the workplace remains safe for all, with no hazards caused by the presence of dogs.
  • Accommodation: Respect employees’ health and safety, including those with allergies or phobias. By distraction by having clear policies, designated areas, and respect.
  • Animal Welfare Laws Ensure that bringing pets to work does not contravene local or state animal welfare laws.
  • Insurance Coverage Review and update insurance policies to cover potential incidents involving pets in the workplace.
  • Consent and Agreement: Have employees sign a waiver and Agreement to follow all company pet policies agreed upon.

Take Your Dog to Work Day is more than just a fun day at the office; it’s an opportunity to strengthen bonds, reduce stress, and promote pet adoption. It’s crucial to follow the outlined policies and guidelines and participate in planned activities. This ensures a successful and enjoyable experience for everyone involved and provides a secure and informed environment for the event.



The Benefits of Owning a Dog for Your Mental Health – Hot Dog on a Leash. https://hotdogonaleash.com/the-benefits-of-owning-a-dog-for-your-mental-health/

How These 4 EX Leaders Revolutionized Employee Experience. https://www.mcorpcx.com/resource-center/articles/https/www.mcorpcx.com/articles/why-employees-love-and-even-beg-to-work-for-these-4-cx-leaders

8 Friendsgiving Party Ideas That Are Simple and Fun – Chicfetti. https://chicfetti.com/blogs/blog/friendsgiving-party-ideas

Take Your Dog to Work Day | June 21 – Calendar. https://www.calendarr.com/united-kingdom/take-your-dog-to-work-day/

Woodstock Community Dog Park in Virginia Beach, VA | Dog Parks Near Me | Wag!. https://wagwalking.com/lifestyle/parks/woodstock-community-dog-park

Enhancing Workplace Happiness and Productivity: Embrace “Take Your Dog to Work Day” – DreamStoneHR. https://dreamstonehr.com.au/2023/06/20/take-your-dog-to-work-day-2023-workplace-happiness-productivity/

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