I repotted my Pin Stripe Calathea in a larger pot (4″ to 6″) and provided new soil. I like the Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix. Unfortunately, my Pin Stripe Calathea was unhealthy and had become very leggy. It was time for me to repot the poor baby.
The Pin Stripe Calathea is a beautiful plant that can bring vibrancy and atmospheric balance to any room. Along with its bright-striped, glossy foliage, the plant is believed to have a unique ability to neutralize aggressive or negative energy. Well, that never hurts! Caring for this plant requires a few simple steps that help keep it looking its best. The five main points of this plant care routine include providing adequate medium light, steady temperatures, moist soil (but not overly wet or soggy), regular misting or humidifiers, and periodic fertilizer applications. All these elements will ensure your plant keeps its color and shape while thriving in its new home. So whether you’re looking to add a little bit of life to a room or want the extra element of energetic neutrality, including a Pin Stripe Calathea for your living space may be just what you need.

The Pin Stripe Calathea (Calathea Ornata) is a beautiful houseplant with bold foliage that adds life and color to any room. However, it’s essential to understand its care needs for it to thrive – so let’s look at the five key points you need when caring for this lovely plant.
1. Light and Temperature: Pin Stripe Calatheas prefer bright, indirect light, but they should not be placed in direct sunlight as it can cause their leaves to fade or burn. They also prefer warm temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C). If the temperature drops below 60°F (15°C), the plant may suffer from leaf damage.
2. Watering: Pin Stripe Calatheas prefer moist soil, so water when the top few inches of soil are dry. Avoid over-watering as this can lead to root rot, and always allow excess moisture to drain away before replacing the pot in its saucer.
Note: I have found that adding a layer of pebbles to the saucers of my house plants allows any extra water to evaporate and increase the humidity around the plant.
3. Repotting: Pin Stripe Calatheas should be repotted every two years in a well-draining potting mix – an orchid bark mix is ideal. When removing from old pots, inspect for any signs of disease and discard affected roots if necessary before replanting in new pots with fresh mix.
Note: I did not use orchard bark mix when I replanted my Pin Stripe Calathea. I’ll keep you updated on its progress.
4. Humidity: Pin Stripe Calatheas thrive in high humidity levels, so keeping the air moist is essential. Place a humidity tray or saucer filled with pebbles and water beneath their pot, or mist the leaves daily with a spray bottle – doing both is ideal. I do both.
5. Fertilizer: Pin Stripe Calatheas should be fertilized every two weeks during the spring and summer growing seasons using an all-purpose fertilizer diluted to half strength. Do not fertilize in winter, as this can cause root burn.

Pin Stripe Calathea plants can become a beautiful addition to any indoor space when cared for properly. Try these five steps to ensure your Pin Stripe Calathea has everything to stay healthy and happy indoors!
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Copyright © 2019 I Don’t Know All The Answers, Nikki Mastro.
All of my photographs and documents are Copyrighted.
The two other photos of Pin Stripe Calathea are from the iStock.com library.
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