Last night, my external cameras began alerting me that something was walking around the house’s perimeter. I was hoping for more bear activity but assumed it would probably be the deer on the game trails. However, this morning checking the cameras, I found that it was a bear.
There’s something special about black bears. Maybe it’s their cute, teddy bear-like appearance or that they’re America’s second largest land predator. Whatever it is, there’s no doubt that black bears are amazing creatures!
Black bears are excellent tree climbers, as was evident in my video. They can climb vertical tree trunks easily, something that even some primates can’t do! This ability helps them escape predators or aggressive dogs and gives them a competitive edge in finding food.
Black bears are a vital part of the ecosystem. They help to keep populations of other animals in check and play a role in dispersing seeds and increasing plant diversity. Black bears also provide us with substantial economic benefits. For example, bear-watching tourism generates substantial revenue!
Some people view them with fear, while others see them as gentle giants. I’ve been interested in Black Bears for a long time and am continually working on learning more. Black bears are timid creatures and typically avoid humans if they can. However, attacks by black bears on humans have occurred though rare. There have been 63 recorded attacks since 1900 in North America. So it is more important to treat them with caution and respect than fear!
You know that I love bears, and I hope that by sharing my photos of Black Bears and discussing them, you will find a soft spot in your heart for them too. In addition, I hope that you will see that Black Bears need our help. They face many challenges, such as habitat loss, human-bear conflicts, dog-bear conflicts, and hunting are some of the threats that black bears face. Please support organizations that are working to protect black bears and their habitat.