Home: Why Leaving is Hard to Do

“Home is where the heart is.” Though this phrase may sound cliché, it holds so much truth. As human beings, we tend to attach ourselves to certain places, calling them our homes. We create meaningful memories in these places, establish lifelong connections with the people around us, and build an irreplaceable sense of belonging. And when the time comes for us to leave and move to a new location, we find it so hard to do so. In this blog, I’ll explore why some of us find it challenging to leave the places we call home and why they’re so special to us.

Teddy and me

Memories: The memories we create in a particular place contribute to our attachment to that place. These memories are often tied to significant milestones in our lives, such as our first jobs, our first homes, or the birth of our children. Think about your favorite childhood memory. Where did it take place? It was in a location that you consider your home. Such memories make it difficult to leave a place because they create an emotional connection that is not easily severed.

Sense of belonging: Humans are naturally social creatures and require a sense of community to thrive. When we spend time in a location, we build relationships with the people around us, establish a sense of belonging, and create a social network that supports us. This sense of belonging is often built over time and is not easily replicated in new locations. As a result, leaving such communities can leave us feeling disconnected and lonely.

Comfort zone: Our homes are our sanctuaries, our safe havens from the world. We have established routines in our homes, and everything is familiar. Leaving the comfort of that familiarity can be terrifying, especially if you are moving to a new place where everything feels different. This fear of the unknown can make us cling to the familiar and find it almost impossible to leave.

Identity: Our homes often contribute to our identities; they shape who we are as individuals. People from different places often have unique worldviews, values, and cultures that shape their identities. When we leave a place we’ve called home, we often feel like losing a part of ourselves and our identities. This loss can be painful and challenging to come to terms with.

Wandering heart: Finally, some of us have wandering hearts that find it hard to settle in one place. We are constantly seeking new experiences, new people, and new surroundings. However, even for these wanderers, leaving a place we have called home can be challenging. We may be excited about the new adventures that await us, but we still feel the sadness of leaving behind what we’ve built and established.

In summary, our attachment to the places we call home results from the memories, sense of belonging, comfort, identity, and sometimes, our wandering hearts. While leaving such places is never easy, it’s also an opportunity for growth and learning. Moving to a new location opens doors to new experiences, meeting new people, and discovering a new part of yourself. So, if you’re feeling the pull to move, embrace it, and find the beauty in the new journey that awaits you. Remember, home is where the heart is, but your heart can be in many places.

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2 thoughts on “Home: Why Leaving is Hard to Do”

  1. I certainly understand what you are saying. But, you will always have your beautiful pictures and memories and those can never be taken from you. On to a new adventure. Love you!

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