The Beautiful Flowering Amaryllis

The Amaryllis is a beautiful flowering plant popular during the holiday season. It is easy to care for and will bloom for weeks! I will explain the basics about Amaryllis plants, how to care for them, and where you can buy them. I will also briefly discuss the history of this popular holiday plant and why it has become so popular in recent years.

The Amaryllis is native to South Africa and has been grown in the Netherlands since the 1700s. Amaryllis plants are known for their large, trumpet-shaped blooms reaching up to 10 inches in diameter. They come in various colors, from pink and white to vibrant reds and oranges. Amaryllis plants prefer bright sunlight and moist soil, so ensure you water them regularly during summer. In winter, reduce watering but keep an eye on the plant’s leaves; they should remain green and healthy throughout.

General Care Instructions:


Water your Amaryllis during the growing/flowering period when the top of the soil becomes dry. Amaryllis requires a dry rest period immediately after flowering to reset future blooms.


During the growing period, feed your Amaryllis with a half-strength water fertilizer every two to three weeks.


If grown as indoor potted plants, Amaryllis prefer morning sunlight but bright shade in the afternoon.

Amaryllis care is relatively simple: water regularly during the growing season, and make sure to fertilize your Amaryllis at least once every two weeks. Amaryllis bulbs re-bloom year after year, so keep an eye on their growth habits. Cut back any dead or yellowing leaves as needed. Amaryllis will thrive in temperatures between 50°F and 70°F but should not be exposed to freezing temperatures for long periods.

Amaryllis bulbs should be planted at least six weeks before blooming, making them perfect for growing during the holiday season. Amaryllis can be purchased in most garden centers and online to enjoy the beautiful blooms immediately. Amaryllis also makes an excellent gift for friends and family who love plants!

Amaryllis flowers are, by far, one of the most aesthetically pleasing garden plant species found around the world. Amaryllis are easy to cultivate and propagate, making them popular for home gardens. Amaryllis colors, although limited when compared to some flora species, offer an eye-catching array that is sure to please any floral enthusiast. Amaryllis typically come in shades of red – from dark vermillion to lighter hues – as well as white, pink, and orange. Although not as common in Amaryllis blooms, some cultivars possess yellow Amaryllis flowers too. Regardless of their color or shade variety, Amaryllis flowers undeniably make a great addition to any garden’s blooming bed or as a spectacular house plant.

In conclusion, the Amaryllis is a beautiful holiday plant that is relatively easy to care for and makes the perfect gift. Amaryllis bulbs are available in garden centers and online so that you can enjoy their colorful blooms year after year! With proper care, Amaryllis will keep flowering and growing until springtime. So if you’re looking for an impressive floral addition to your winter decor or a unique holiday gift, Amaryllis is a perfect choice!

That concludes my blog post on Amaryllis plants – thanks for reading! If you have questions about Amaryllis care or where to purchase them, please feel free to reach out. I’ll be happy to help you out with any Amaryllis-related questions! So enjoy your Amaryllis blooms this holiday season!

Happy Planting!

All of the photos in this blog post are from the library.     

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© 2019 I Don’t Know All The Answers, Nikki Mastro

All of my photographs and documents are Copyrighted.

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