The Stages of a Dog’s Life: From Puppyhood to Senior Years

When the Bear entered our lives, I was shocked at the behavioral and energy levels differences between Bear and Teddy. Of course, Teddy is and will always be my baby boy, but according to the canine online age calculators, Teddy’s age of 3 years is equivalent to 28-30 human years. WHAT?? My baby is really an adult?

Summer is a year old, and according to the canine age calculator, that is equivalent 18-20 yr old human. Summer and Bear seem perfectly matched in energy level and play style.

The next shocker is that Bear, who will be six months old next week, will be sexually mature very soon. WHAT?? No way!

The stages of a dog’s life!

There are stages in a dog’s life, each filled with different challenges and joys. Puppyhood is a time of learning and exploration, while adolescence brings hormonal changes and new behaviors. Finally, as dogs reach their senior years, they often enter a relaxed stage where they enjoy spending more time with their families. No matter what stage our dog is in, providing them with the proper exercise and nutrition is essential. I will discuss this in more detail!


Puppyhood is the first stage in a pup’s life, usually lasting from seven weeks to seven months. At this time, the puppy needs to learn basic commands and housebreaking techniques. Puppies should also be socialized during this time, learning to interact with other animals or people without showing any signs of aggression. Depending on their breed, size, and overall health, puppies may need more or less exercise than others. Smaller breeds tend to have higher energy levels and require more activity, while larger breeds may need fewer walks but longer play sessions. Providing the correct type of exercise at each stage is essential to ensure your dog remains healthy and happy.

Teddy and Bear's first meeting. Look how tiny Bear is!
Bear's adorable baby baby photo.


The second stage of a dog’s life is adolescence, which usually lasts from seven months to two years. During this time, puppies transition into adults and may experience growing pains as they adjust to their size and strength. This can also be difficult for owners, as dogs often display more challenging behaviors due to hormonal changes, such as destructiveness or aggression. It’s essential to provide your pup with plenty of exercises during this time, focusing on teaching them basic commands and providing positive reinforcement. Adolescents’ diets should include lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Teddy and Bear today.


The third stage in a dog’s life is adulthood, which begins at age two and continues until seven years old. During this period of a dog’s life, they are at their physical peak and have settled into their adult size. Exercise should continue to be provided, although the intensity may vary depending on the breed and size of your pup. Larger species need more moderate exercise, such as swimming or jogging, while smaller dogs can usually enjoy shorter walks or play sessions. Adult dogs also require a balanced diet, including lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.


The fourth stage is the Senior years and occurs between seven and ten years old. Older pups often deal with age-related issues such as arthritis or joint pain, making exercise difficult. This doesn’t mean that exercise isn’t essential; it must be adapted to fit their changing needs! Low-impact activities such as swimming, walking, and agility are great options for seniors. Senior dogs also need a diet with reduced fat and higher fiber content to promote healthy digestion.

No matter the stage of our pup’s life, proper exercise and nutrition are essential to ensure they stay happy and healthy! Different breeds require different amounts of exercise and food depending on their size, so make sure you know what’s best for your pup. Additionally, be sure to take them to the vet regularly to monitor their health throughout the seven stages of life. Your dog can enjoy a long and happy life with the proper care!


*This blog post has been written for informational purposes only.* Please consult a veterinarian or qualified animal health professional for your pet’s health and condition.

**This content has not been evaluated or endorsed by any medical or veterinary organization, nor should it be used in place of a consultation with a qualified animal health professional.** Please consult with a veterinarian or qualified health professional before making any decisions regarding exercise or nutrition for your dog. The stages of life are generalizations and may differ depending on breed and size; always consult a vet for individualized suggestions about your pet’s needs!

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© 2019 I Don’t Know All The Answers, Nikki Mastro

All of my photographs and documents are Copyrighted.

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