Different Stages in Life

I listened to a podcast yesterday that resonated with me. I was unfamiliar but interested in the topic, and the discussion was fascinating. The interviewer and the guest got very philosophical at one point. They discussed the different stages of life and how we are different people in each stage of life. The “stages of life” can be defined by periods of time in our lives or events.

They discussed how we should not be afraid to try new things irrelevant of our age. Wow, that spoke to me. In one of my earlier blogs, I discussed the challenges of retiring and how I deeply missed my co-workers and felt irrelevant. After so many years, my job was my identity. I needed to find a new purpose and a new identity. I needed to become a new person—a stage of self-doubt and fear.

My blog was born at the encouragement of a close friend and my son. Though I was confident in another technical field, blogging and content creation were new. I was a major newbie! I was a new person in a new stage of life trying to start a new career. I did not have a focus or planned direction. I was on the skateboard of life and flying without a helmet—a stage of dramatic growth and learning.

I certainly never expected to find the opportunities to study wildlife in Arnold the way I have. I have had a lifelong interest in dogs and bears, as I’ve mentioned before. I grew up with dogs, but the closest I came to a bear was a teddy bear as a child. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I would have the opportunity to look a wild black bear in the eyes, and I did. It was an experience I will never forget—a magical stage in life.

The property purchase in Arnold opened doors to different stages of life and provided opportunities that I never dreamed of.

The property isn’t huge, but what makes it so unique is that the animals follow well-worn game trails that circle the house. Basically, the animals come to me. I don’t have to hike out into the wilderness, set up trail cams, and wait in a blind for the animal to walk by; I am privileged to look out the window and pull the memory cards out of my field cameras. I can make discoveries through simple observation and photography—a life stage of growth.

The opportunity to view the wildlife so close has been of particular value to me ever since I hurt my back. I haven’t talked about that before, but I did. I wasn’t saving puppies from a burning building or picking a paperclip up from the floor. One week after I lost my Candy, I couldn’t walk. Talk about a humbling new stage of life! A fearful and frustrating stage of life.

Jim and I, and Teddy!
Me and Cosmo.

After a year of weekly doctor visits and therapy sessions, I’m walking again with a cane, my dad’s cane, and occasionally without. I have to be honest and admit that the recovery period has been challenging for me! I’ve always envisioned myself as strong and independent, and now I needed help. A new stage of life, a humbling stage of life, and I needed to accept both help from others and the person I now am.

I’m surprised that with the assistance of the cane, I can do everything I did before; just a little slower. I can roam around the property in Arnold looking for animal tracks. I can get to all of the field cameras. The cane provides a lot of stability going up and down the slopes. At home in Tracy, I am still very effective in doing my stuff. A stage of life where I discover I am not limited and I can still chase my goals.

I am so anxious to see what new adventures await. Dreams do come true.

4 thoughts on “Different Stages in Life”

  1. Kristi Young-Wallace

    What an inspiring, lovely blog post Nikki. I am happy to hear how you have navigated the life you are in and made it beautiful! Sending hugs,

  2. Laura Pulver-Berry

    Life has thrown me numerous difficult challenges, so my thoughts and positive energy are with you.
    Did you injure your back to cause your inability to walk. I’m so glad you are improving.
    Best always,

    1. Thank you, Laura, for your positive message! I think my inability to walk was caused by a back injury and (if I can steal your wording) numerous other difficult challenges. I am slowly but steadily improving. It has been a long time and I miss you! Nikki

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