Monstera Deliciosa

When I moved from San Ramon, I brought many plants in pots, houseplants, and outside plants. When you move to a new location, it takes time to find the best lighting location for each plant, and it took extra time because I was trying to unpack and put things away in the new house. Then in September of that year, the explosion occurred. The plants that were not immediately devastated languished and died from lack of care during the repair phase, and I’ve delayed replacing the plants that I lost. One was my grandmother’s fern, and I felt terrible about that loss. Anyway, I have begun purchasing and propagating plants once again. I’ve written about some of my plants in earlier blogs, and I will write more and include you in my journey.

My good friend, Bhavana, Cosmo’s mom, shared some cuttings from her beautiful Monstera Deliciosa with me. A Monstera Deliciosa is a new plant for me. 

This vase contains four cuttings that have developed robust root systems and are ready to be planted in their first container.
This picture from shows a more mature Monstera Deliciosa.
I collected my supplies: 12" large pots (recommended)
A Moss Pole for each pot.
I began taking my supplies and tools out to my potting bench.
I did not have enough of the Miracle Gro Indoor Potting Mix, so I just used it as a top layer on both pots.
I did have multiple bags of Vigoro all-purpose potting mix to use.
Each pot came with a plug in the drainage hole.
I removed the plug before adding the potting soil.
I filled each pot almost to the top with potting soil.
I carefully removed the rooted stems from the vase, and selected two for each pot.
I carefully placed the stems and their new root systems on the surface of the potting soil. Then I inserted the moss pole in the center and gently tied the stems to the pole.
I added the top layer of potting soil and patted the soil to secure the new plants in their new home. I followed that by watering each plant throughly, and then allowing them to drain excess water.
After a few minutes, I moved the plants into the house. I selected a bright location (Northern exposure) for both. This plant seemed to be the most robust, so I placed it next to my Thanksgiving/Christmas cactus in a bright window. The cactus seemed happy there so I thought this plant would be too.
The second plant I placed in my bathroom (same light exposure but more humidity).

In the saucers of all of my plants, I place enough small stones (I use river rock) to keep the plant from sitting in excess drained water but provide additional humidity around the plant.  

Both of my new Monstera Deliciosa plants might have preferred a window location with partial sun, but they are toxic to pets. Either Teddy or Summer might try to eat the leaves, and I can’t have that. I will keep you posted on their progress. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

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